Day Nine

January 09, 2024

A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with—that’s poverty—but how efficiently we can put first things first. . . . When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it’s clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar.
Victoria Moran

I did not make it up today to play basketball at the Y. This has been happening more often than not. This is a small loss in terms of having willpower. Thursday I'm getting up and going. I need the supplemental exercise. It also gives me a place to do the Bromka Marathon Lifting Routine.

I wasn't feeling like running yesterday, but I did anyway. That's always a victory. 4 miles in about 40 minutes.

2017 Rock N Roll Arizona
Photo of the Day: 2017 Rock N' Roll Arizona Marathon, 2:59:58.

Today I am fasting, and will run for an hour. I'll be taking it nice and easy.

I sent out the first wave of emails yesterday for fundraising for Still I Run. Hopefully I can get some people donating.

Yesterday I deleted X (Twitter) and Threads off of my phone. I want to protect my mind from the battery of random junk that those apps provide. Instead of wasting my time, I am going to work on Cronster a bit today.