I've come down with something, unfortunately. Last night, I had the chills, a cough, and trouble sleeping. And most oddly, persistent hiccups. This could be from fasting/keto.
I did have a decent Zone 2 training run last night while enjoying an episode of Loki, clocking in at 45 minutes. Monitoring my heart rate during runs is a new thing for me, and it's crucial to avoid overexerting myself in Zone 3. I'm aiming to maintain Zone 2 for the majority of my runs, about 80% of the time.
I'm also diving a bit too deep into ketosis, so I'll need to balance things out with a few carbs now and then.
Looks like I'm taking a break from running today, which is probably for the best since I need to gradually increase my mileage. I learned that lesson the hard way after a hasty mileage increase led to a six-month injury. I'm shooting for 10% - 20% increases week over week.
Finally, my fundraising page for Still I Run is now up! Still I Run is the only non-profit that works nationwide to promote the benefits of running for mental health. When you donate to Still I Run, you’re helping this amazing organization provide essential resources, spread awareness, and offer a supportive community to those battling mental health challenges.
The NYC Half Marathon is in 73 days. Here's to fundraising and to training!